


Iyadのメールにどう反応すれば良いか教えてください[PJ2007:00061]を読んでいなかったというか、迷惑メールとしてはねてしまったようですAOLにも残っていないしでもマコが返信を入れているし[PJ2007:00062] Thank you for the schedule!今ちゃんが調整してくれたのにねえごめん。(Y先生も読んでいるのであれば反応示せよ)その中でポスターのことどう言っていたのかなあ?今日はハンナーディーと4人の生徒ということですね




We can have TV conference today from 10:00.I'll try to connect after my class and school guidance.My class will be end at 9:10 and school guidance will be end at 9:45.

Dear Iyad

Marhaba! Thank you for your mail.
Very happy to hear from you.

As for today's video conference, Mr.T is preparing.
There are problem of mail.
He did not get some email from you.
That is why there is mis communication.

Last night, I called up to Hamzeh if you have video conference or not.
And he said you would have.
So, I called up to Nori to prepare today' video conference.

Is it OK for you to have video confernce today between studnets?
I have heard that 4 students and teachers will attend the video conference.
If you can do , please let me us as soon as possible!

Though you can not bring studnets, it would be better you talk with Mr.T about the next step.
So anyway I like you to have disucssion between you and Nori today.

By the way, have you done the poster! Wow. How is it?
Please show me the poster!
I like to see it.
Nori also will see this and he can think how to join Japanese one with yours.

Sincerely Mako

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